Skye Timeline 1726 - 1748
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1726: Duntulm Estate sold to MacDonald creditors who restore it the family.
1726: Skye's seven parochial districts formed.
1727: Grand Ball to celebrate the above .
1731: Octant navigational aid invented.
1732: Duntulm last lived in.
1732: Work on Monkstadt House begins.
1736: Rubber discovered in Peru.
1741: Monkstad House completed using stone from Duntulm.
1742: Celsius devises centigrade scale.
1742: Skye's last hanging, Angus Buchanan being dispatched on Portree's Lump for the murder of a peddler.
1745: Jacobite Rising.
1745: Lady Grange dies at Trumpan.
1746: Defeat of Prince Charles Edward at Culloden - end of clan system.
1746: Bagpipes outlawed. The government, having banned weapons, considered the pipes to be such.
1746: Prince Charles and Flora MacDonald land near Monkstadt House.
1746: Captain Fergussone, in HMS Furnace, wreaks havoc on Raasay by burning Rassay House and 300 cottages, as punishment for its Jacobite support.
1747: Royal Navy first issues lime rations to combat scurvy.
1747: Flora MacDonald pardoned.
1748: Clans demilitarised under The Disarming Act. Highland Dress forbidden.
1748: First blast furnace built.
Courtesy of Geoff Holman
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