ISBuC (v7) 2012
Trumpan Area
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'The ruined church'
Trumpan Area Information

TRUMPAN (Norse: one sided hillock)
In May 1578 the church at Trumpan, now a ruin, was the site of a particularly brutal incident between the clans. The MacDonalds of Uist journeyed to this area with a fleet of 8 ships. The local inhabitants were worshipping in the church. Under cover of thick mist the MacDonalds set fire to the building and all but one resident were burned alive. This led to retaliation by the MacLeods, who slaughtered virtually all of the attackers before they had time to flee the island.

A footpath heading north to Waternish Point passes close to 2 cairns and then 2 brochs, Dłn Borrafiach and Dłn Gearymore.