Stein Area
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'Stein village'
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'Stein village'
The road between here and Gillen runs approximately 100 meters above sea-level. Picturesque white painted croft houses are dotted along most of its 2 mile length. Looking due east across 9 miles of Loch Snizort you can see Uig. To the north-east there is a large group of small Islands known as the Ascribs which are a haven for seals and sea-birds. To the west Ben Geary (284m) is topped by a triangulation pillar used to map this area.
GILLEN (Norse: narrow ravine)
HALLIN (Norse: sloping field)
To the east, above Hallin, on the north-west facing slopes of Beinn na Mointeich (176m) are the remains of a broch, Dłn Hallin.
LOWER HALISTRA (Norse: sloping place or town)
LUSTA (Gaelic: flower well)
STEIN (Norse: stone)
This village was once home to sixties singer Donovan, who, if he is remembered at all, will probably be remembered for his lyric 'They call me Mellow Yellow'.
In 1787 the Scottish Fishery Board, in an attempt to develop the fishing industry of this area, founded Stein and built a pier and houses for the fishermen. For a while it was one of the busiest fishing villages on Skye, but in the end the grand experiment failed. What remains is a charming and picturesque seaside village more reminiscent of the south coast of England than the rugged west coast of Scotland.