ISBuC (v7) 2012
Roskhill Area
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Roskhill Area Information

HORNEVAL (Norse: Eagle fell)

KILMUIR (Gaelic: Mary's cell, church or chapel)
Once a settlement in its own right but now seen more as a part of nearby Dunvegan, this is sometimes confused with the much larger district of Kilmuir to the north of Trotternish. Post and parcels sometimes take a tour of the island.

Deliveries to Skye are, on the whole, quick and reliable but occasionally, even with the bridge in place for several years, things take their time. Sometimes mainland businesses refuse to deliver to Skye without adding an exorbitant fee, justifying it by saying that the island is classed as being overseas.

LONMORE (Gaelic: Big stream)

ROSKHILL (Norse: Promontory gully or ravine)

VATTEN (Norse: Water, lake or loch)