ISBuC (v7) 2012
Borve Area
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Borve Area Information

ACHACHORK (Gaelic: Oat field)

BORVE (Norse: Little Fort)
Five miles north of Portree, on the road to Uig, Borve stands near the turn off for Dunvegan. There are three standing stones, within a short distance of each other, alongside the road running through the township. Near the bottom of the ridge leading up to Bealach a Chaol-reidh (395m) are the remains of a broch, Dun Borve.

COULNACRAGGAN (Norse: Within the rocks)

DRUMUIE (Gaelic: Yellow ridge)

GLENGRASCOE (Norse: Rugged faced glen)

PEINESS (Gaelic: Stream hill)

SLUGGANS (Gaelic: River gorges)

UIGSHADER (Norse: Bay settlement)