Teangue Area
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'East to Kilbeg'
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'East to Kilbeg'
KILBEG (Gaelic: Small church)
An abandoned settlement.
KILMORE (Gaelic: Big church)
The present church, built 1876, stands on the site of an older church, built 1681, which in turn was built on the site of an ancient chapel. Nearby is the stone of Saint Columba. Legend says that he landed here and blessed the ground on which the church now stands. Many of the MacDonald chiefs are interred in the church graveyard.
KNOCK (Gaelic: Hill)
Castle Camus, now a ruin, looks out across Knock townships splendid bay to the mainland and Knoydart.
OSTAIG (Norse: East bay)
In 1773 Johnson and Boswell, famous travellers and writers, stayed near here at the Manse of Sleat. They were obviously well entertained, remarking that they 'suffered never a moment of dullness'
SAASAIG (Norse: South bay)
TEANGUE (Gaelic: Tongue or strip of land)