Flowers (C)
Wild flowers of Skye - common names begining with C.
Wild flowers of Skye - common names begining with C.

Description: Up to 100cm. Yellow flowers to 40mm.
Location: Dry grassland
Flowering: June to September

Description: Up to 30cm tall. Yellow, 8 to 12 petal, flowers to 50mm.
Location: Damp ground, hedges, woodland
Flowering: March to May

Description: Up to 10cm. Flowers heads red/purple/pink to 40mm
Location: Moist well drained grassland
Flowering: May to October

Description: Up to 20cm. Flower heads white/pale pink to 15mm
Location: Grassland
Flowering: April to October

Description: Up to 150cm. Purple stem. White clustered flowers
Location: Woods, hedges, shady places
Flowering: April to June