Skye Timeline 1950 - 1969
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1951: Start of modern marble extraction in South Skye.
1951: Scotland's population stands at 5,095,969.
1952: Storr Lochs 2 MW hydroelectric power station constructed.
1954: Commission of Enquiry into crofting conditions.
1955: Act of Parliament constitutes new Crofter's Commission.
1955: Old Man of Storr climbed.
1955: Of 182 Skye townships 16 cook solely on peat.
1956: Extra 1MW added to Storr Lochs hydroelectric station.
1957: Skye's first newspaper, established by Willie Nicolson of Struan, folds.
1957: Sputnik.
1958: Silicon chip developed.
1959: Integrated circuits developed.
1959: Forestry Commission owns 19,418 acres of Skye.
1960: Laser invented.
1961: Gagarin first man in space.
1961: Skye's population 7,700.
1962: Communications satellite.
1962: Raasay House sold to Dr John R. W. Green of Sussex who is believed to have visited it twice.
1963: Cassette recorder.
1964: Word processor.
1964: New hospital built in Portree.
1966: VHF TV and radio relay station built on Skriaig.
1967: Satellite navigation.
1969: Man lands on Moon.
1969: Forestry Commission owns 45,524 acres of Skye.
Courtesy of Geoff Holman
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