Gavin Maxwell
'Ring of Bright Water'
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'Ring of Bright Water'
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Although from a comfortably well-off background and with a lucrative diplomatic career ahead of him Maxwell sought solace in a simpler lifestyle. The original book and its sequel, The Rocks Remain, tell the story of his life with semi-tame otters at Camusfearna, a remote part of the mainland opposite Isle Ornsay. For a while he was also on Soay attempting to start a shark fishery (Harpoon at a Venture) but underestimated firstly the difficulty of landing such creatures from a small boat and secondly the refrigeration capacity required to keep their meat edible.
He also lived in Kyleakin Lighthouse and owned Eilean Ban, an island which now supports a column of the Skye Bridge. Despite modern traffic a hundred foot or so above it this island is now a commemorative otter sanctuary, a community venture part funded by the Born Free Foundation, established by Virginia McKenna to support wildlife preservation ventures.
Courtesy of Geoff Holman